Gui and the whole place not working

Hello fellow developers, i know it’s not a scripting thing, but i didn’t knew where to post it and i really need help.

I have been working out on an intro Gui for about 1 hour, and everything was working fine inside studio.
When i closed the studio, saved the game and tried to play normally, the intro was not appearing(when in studio intro was working fine). Everything in the code was scripted fine, so there was not a reason for the whole gui not to appear(i mean i didn’t set the frame to be invisible etc). Then i tried to open the game from the studio again and the game won’t load in studio, basically it just freezes with an error HTTP:Timedout, any help?

Try scripting the GUI through replicated first, and it would be in your favor to post your code

I did, i tried every solution i could think of. There is not a problem with my code, since something does delete my whole workspace etc. I mean it’s not only the gui that does not work, i placed a couple of parts into the workspace, and when i try to play the game, everything is gone. I checked my script, and i haven’t scripted anything that deletes the workspace etc.

Mhm, no. It’s really strange, i tried to make another place and just insert to it some parts and a spawn location, without anything else into the game, just parts and spawn location.
I saved the place and then played it. The strange thing is, even without any script inside so i can’t mess up on something, the parts got deleted and the spawn location, there is either a save error or i have downloaded a virus plugin, but i think that there is a save problem since my plugin folders etc seems to be clear

Just an update, i created a video and uploaded it to youtube, there it is:
Roblox Bug

Just to be sure are you publishing the changes? Not save to Roblox/File but pressing the Publish button?

That’s it, i needed to press Publish.
1 week ago, i used to just close the game and press save and everything was working fine, idk what changed now.
Thanks for the solution!