GUI appears at the pet image position

Hello developers!

I’m making Pet Inventory and I want to make Pet Info like It’s done in Mining Simulator 2 but my math… yea

I tried with mouse location and Absolute but in Frame position is other.


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Hi! I don’t understand what you want. But I think you want a script.

But first, make the Local script child “Container” (To open PetInfo) and make a button that will be child “Container” too. And Inside Local Script write this:

script.Parent.BUTTON.Mouse1Press:Connect(function() -- To check if player pressed button.
      script.Parent.Scroller.Visible = true -- to make a button that will show and hide instead of " true " write: "not script.Parent.Scroller.Visible"
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When player clicks on the pet template then the PetInfo shows beside like it’s done in Mining Simulator 2 and the Container is Parent of a PetInfo and Scroller is parent of a Pet Template.

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I don’t know if it’s possible to do.

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any help??

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