Gui arrow point at another gui inside of startergui

I’ve been trying to make a gui point onto another gui but have ran out of ideas on how to.

Something like this:

but as a gui

heres a terrible code i have written so far:

local turret = script.Parent

local mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()


turret.Rotation =, mouse.Position)

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They’re probably just using a beam
See here for more information on beams
Theyre pretty nifty and easy to use

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are they possible to use in startergui?

sorry for the confusion w the title :sweat_smile:

I dont think so
You could try to replicate the behavior with regular billboard guis but I wouldnt think it would worth the effort to do so much work when you can just change the code a bit

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alright tysm :grin:
ill try to work around the problem

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