GUI Button to hide/unhide Billboard Nametag


I have custom Nametags on my game (shows Username and Group Rank).
They are Billboard GUIs with a TextLabel inside.

I want to make a ImageButton that when clicked hides and unhides only those Billboards that are inside a Script in the Workspace (because I have more Billboards in the Map that I don’t want to hide).

Can someone help me make a LocalScript for it?
I know how to make the Button, i just need help with the coding (I’m learning while doing some small projects).

Thanks :slight_smile:

Image Button in Screen Gui???

Yes, I want to make a ImageButton that is inside a ScreenGui in the StarterGui.

Ok then

-- LocalScript in ImageButton
local ImageButton = script.Parent
local players = game:GetService("Players")

local on = false

    if on then
        on = false
        for i, v in ipairs(players:GetChildren()) do
            local character = v.Character or p.CharacterAdded:Wait()
            character.Head.BillboardGui.Enabled = false
        on = true
        for i, v in ipairs(players:GetChildren()) do
            local character = v.Character or p.CharacterAdded:Wait()
            character.Head.BillboardGui.Enabled = true

Reply if any error


  1. It will work if your tag name is “BillboardGui” and it’s parent is character head
  2. It don’t hide player tags when they join and it’s turned on

Do I have to add a variable for p?

You don’t need because it’s LocalScript and you can call LocalPlayer


I have an error: Players.ZuperManoz.PlayerGui.HideNamesButton.HideButton.GuiChange:17: attempt to index nil with ‘Character’

And on your script I changed character.Head.BillboardGui.Enabled to character.Head.GroupRankOverHead.Enabled because it is the BillboardGUI name.

Sorry, you were right.

I didn’t notice that, I fixed the script. Try it now.

Now it did work!
Thank you! :smiley:

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Your code could easily be simplified into this

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local button = script.Parent

	for _, player in ipairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
		local character = player.Character
		local billboard = character and character.Head:FindFirstChild("BillboardGui")
		if not billboard then
		billboard.Enabled = not billboard.Enabled

And for @ZuperManoz if you want to include functionality to keep the boards disabled when palyers join and/or they respawn, you’ll need to create events that listen for when their character is added and when a player joins that cause their billboard to be toggled.

Remember to change BillboardGui to the name of your BillboardGui that is inserted in the character’s head


Thank you too! :slight_smile:
I will test the code.

What that means and in this fragment?

In this case it means,

billboard is assigned to the result of FindFirstChild("BillboardGui") IF character is not nil or false, otherwise assign billboard to whatever character is

Let’s do another example

local var = true

local var2 = var and 15


If you try this, it will print out 15 because var was truthy and continued to 15, but let’s say you change var to false or nil

local var = false

local var2 = var and 15


Now this will print out whatever you stored in var, if you stored false, it would print false, if you stored nil, it will print out nil

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Thank you, I will definitely use it in the future


I created for you event that will hide the billboard gui when player joins and button is turned on:

    if on then
        local character = p.Character or p.CharacterAdded:Wait()
        character.Head.BillboardGui.Enabled = false

Put it after previous script, report any errors.

Btw: This GUI will reset when player die

Thanks, I’m not sure if I need this, but I will test it!