Gui clipping through other Guis

Hello, I am having an issue where a image label is clipping through a image button. How can I fix this?


Could maybe try changing the “ZIndex”. Never used it before. But here is an article. Might be something for you??: GuiObject.ZIndex (

I presume you don’t want the Image Label to render outside of the pentagon/Image Button – if thats’s the case, you may want to enable the ClipsDescendants property of the Image Button in order to only render anything within its bounds.


i changed it and nothing happens. The image label is not a child of the image button


image label is not a child of the image button so this won’t work

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Are the GuiObjects in completely different ScreenGuis? If so, you’ll likely need to adjust the DisplayOrder property for one of the GUIs so that one will appear in front of the other.

Otherwise, ZIndex should work regardless if the two elements are parent/child or not. The example codeblock on the Developer Hub uses Frames that are siblings and not parent/child. However, if the GuiObjects you have aren’t on the same layer, you may need to make the ZIndexBehavior Global instead of being based on Siblings.

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My z-index is set to a higher value than the others and both of the gui’s are in the same ScreenGui. Im still getting the same issue. I think it has something to do with the background transparency of the Image button because when I set that to 0 it doesn’t clip but when I set it to 1 it starts to clip.

Edit: found a solution, changed the image and it worked

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