GUI Close Button Not Working

My script for closing a UI isn’t working.

UI: I think it looks cool! :wink:


Screenshot 2021-03-09 at 21.24.40


Thanks for helping me out! :smiley:

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You made a typo. Your variable is called “frane” with a n and not frame with a m.

No, It says frame, not frane. I’m not sure what you mean exactly?

Read the first line again. You wrote “frane”, and than in your mouseButtonClick connection you wrote “frame.Visible” but the variable frame doesn’t exist since you made the typo in line 1.

You sure?

Screen Shot 2021-03-09 at 1.34.53 PM

Oh, alright. Sometimes I don’t re-read my scripts. Sorry for waisting your time. :sweat:

Typo. change the local to local frame = script.Parent.Parent

Nah don’t worry about it. Its not wasting my time if I choose to respond. Anyway goodluck with your project!

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