Gui Components Library

This is an amazing resource! I have one question though, I noticed that the radial backpack relies on an edited version of the PlayerModule. Is likely that this will cause bugs when Roblox updates?

Hey! I used your radial menu code from your rbxl file.
Most of the time it works but some times it crashes my game with this error.


Seems to be originating from this line?

Love the work you’ve done and would appreciate if you knew the issue, thanks!

When you have loops like that, sometimes you have to have a task.wait() after a certain amount of iterations, especially if you have a lot of iterations. I’ve had this with a couple of other scripts of mine, but they usually are fixed after adding an occasional wait.

You can add the wait I did by probably doing something like:

if i%20 == 0 then

The 20 means that every 20 iterations, it will run that task.wait(). Of course, you will need to change it as your circumstances are different than mine, but this should work.

This seems really cool, however I think the radial menu uses too many viewport frames for it to work well on lower end devices, it also prevents me from doing things like having draggable UI. I love the idea of a radial inventory, however I can’t seem to find a way to drag the buttons since they technically aren’t buttons but are actually a TON of wedges in one of many viewport frames. Cool library, I just wish that the radial menu had a bit more support put into it.

Edit: also whenever an item is added or removed from my backpack I have to delete the old radial menu and create a new one, which can cause lag if it doesn’t properly get cleaned up, especially if it’s done very quickly.

These Gui components should be directly integrated into Roblox.

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Nobody has been here for awhile but can i have an example on how to make a dropdown menu? the github has no guide to doing