May 22, 2021, 10:24am
So I tried to set the start position of this image label but it doesn’t go where I want to go.
local template1 = script.Parent.Template1
template1.Position = UDim2.fromScale(-0.027, 0,0.953, 0)
Another thing to add is my scripting is quite limited and also I have very little experience with GUIs
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, expects 2 things, the XScale to use and the YScale to use, So change it to
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May 22, 2021, 10:29am
Thank you, works like a charm
I have another question though, how would I keep changing the y so it would go up, I tried while true do loops but I don’t think they seem to work.
Edit: maybe tweening?
You don’t really need to use a while true do loop here, you can use TweenPosition
This would tween it to YScale 0 in 1 second, you can read up on the arguments it expects to know how to make it take longer
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May 22, 2021, 10:34am
Thanks a lot, I hope you don’t mind me bumping this thread if I have more questions.
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If you have more questions I think it’s best you either message me on the DevForums or make a new post about it since it would kinda go a bit off topic from the original question
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May 22, 2021, 10:45am
Alright, Thanks a lot, I will do so if I have more questions.