my time gui doesnt want to stay in the same place on different devices
how it looks like on PC:
how it looks like on mobile:
the position and size are scaled so i dont know what might be going on. maybe i need to add some constraint?
my time gui doesnt want to stay in the same place on different devices
how it looks like on PC:
If all of these GuiObjects are inside of a single Frame, then check their position or size if its in Scale or not.
Yes they are
can you show the entire hierarchy of the UI?
How about the localscript?
or try this, make textlabel’s background to 0.8 and color it in darker and play test. check if there’s changes.
script just changes the text
script.Parent.Enabled = true
local values = game.Lighting.TimeOfDay:split(":")
script.Parent.Time.Text = values[1] .. ":" .. values[2]
I think the problem here is the Position
try use this:
[Roblox Studio] = then you click on “Plugins” find “AutoScale Lite” then click “Unit Conversation” and then use your mouse click(choose) on certain object(In here, object you use seems is TextLabel and ImageLabel) then click 2 button “Scale” inside Unit Conversation(You must be keep the object you want keep size choose it, dont unchoose, or it won’t keep that size same position for you
How about the Frame tho? I also use the AutoScale Lite and I always forgot the Frames too.
also scaled
why dont you not “Undo” to the point of start where before you scale it then do it again try, by clicking on it then clicking on “Unit Conversation” and clicking both buttons “Scale”, “Offset” You dont need to click it
If it’s still not working, check that plugin was upgraded yet
the plugin works perfectly fine. it’s something on how roblox handles the guis. the timer isnt “stuck” onto the image for some reason
it’s fixed yet? can you tell me about it more details, if I can i will trying to do all things I can do, if you was fixed, don’t say anything
Found out why. I made the image scale type crop so it automatically changed the size of the overlay.
I’d say that you put the time label in the image and then use the offset property to properly position the gui.
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