I want to display player money in ScreenGui without using leaderboard so I need some help!
Here is picture with my money system if I change it my other scripts broke
I have tried for like 5h and cant get it to worth
I want to display player money in ScreenGui without using leaderboard so I need some help!
Here is picture with my money system if I change it my other scripts broke
I have tried for like 5h and cant get it to worth
localscripts can’t access ServerStorage also you don’t seem to have a localscript
So i need to delete all my code and make new system?
no you need to use a localscript to change the label’s text to the Player’s money value
Change Money.Parent to
Money.Parent = Player
If I change to local script everything broke and I cant buy anything in game same with Money.Parent = Player if need i can send main script
So tell me is it like the leaderstats that you’re trying to make visible on a GUI, right?
Why put the money inside the Server Storage, when you can put it inside the player?
Make the leaderstats script like this:
local leaderstats = Instance.new("Folder")
leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats"
leaderstats.Parent = player
local Money = Instance.new("IntValue")
Money.Name = "Money"
Money.Value = --Put the value example: 100, 1000, 500, 50, 10
Money.Parent = leaderstats
Use remote events.
Don’t put the value inside the leaderstats, this is because it’ll show the player’s money on the leadboard (That’s what he wants to do).
Make a Local Script and put this on the text inside the Gui.
wait() --give it time to load
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer --gets the player
local money = player:FindFirstChild("Put Your Money Name Here")
local text = script.Parent
text.Text = money --or use "$"..money if you want to put a text on the start
money.Changed:Connect(function() --people keep asking me this but always use the changed function when doing this, this is so it wont lag the device
text.Text = money --or use "$"..money if you want to put a text on the start
Local script can’t access Server Storage so you should add the money inside the player.
So I found a solution to this here it is;
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local money = plr:FindFirstChild("Money")
local gui = script.Parent
function updateText()
gui.Text = money.Value
It should work.
If you’re doing this on Server side:
local Money = Instance.new("IntValue")
Money.Name = Player.Name
Money.Value = 100
Money.Parent = Player -- Change to whatever
Player.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.Amount.Value = Player.Money.Value
Player.Money.Changed:Connect(function() -- Synchronizing when their cash changes
Player.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.Amount = Player.Money.Value
I don’t think showing a player’s money server-side is needed. But still got some examples though!