GUI frame never shown by clicking the text button

Hello fellow devs!

Now I am developing the following experience:
Samurai Era Wonderland

This experience has many places to go and so I have added Teleport button on the righthand side so that a player can open/close the menu frame shown below by clicking or tapping.

For that I created the local script and scripted as follows:

However, when I test play, the menu never open by clicking the button.
And no error is shown on the Output Screen.

I will appreciate if someone help me.

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How are you defining teleportMenuFrame?

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Thank u for ur quick replay.
I defined it as follows:

The issue is related to how you defined the variable, as suspected.
The version you are modifying the visibility of is StarterGUI, however you should be accessing PlayerGui instead!

Just replace StarterGui with game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui, or using your existing variables, player.PlayerGui


Thank u so much for ur help!
I could solve the problem.

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