Gui Intro Cutscene

Hi all! I’ve recently been working on an intro for my Youtube channel (Because why not?). I have come up with the following:

An updated version of Intro 1:

Intro 2:

Which one do you like more?

Which One Do You Like More?
  • Intro 1 (Made in Studio)
  • Intro 2 (Not made in Studio)

0 voters

What do you guys think? What can I improve? I obviously am not a professional video editor, which is why I did this inside studio, but I don’t think it is the worst. Thanks!

For those who are curious, my channel:


You could do commas-only or ampersand-only when separating words. I mean

Gaming, Trailers, Tutorials


Gaming & Trailers & Tutorials

And, before you split your name at the end of the video, couldn’t you change these three words transparency instead of tweening them onto the bottom of the screen during splitting? In my opinion, it would be better.


Thank you for the feedback! I definately could do that, I’ll experiment some more. Thanks!


If I’m being completely honest, I think making an intro through Roblox Studio isn’t the most efficient/professional way. I’d highly suggest using as it’s a website with already made intro templates that you just edit and put your name in.

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Yeah, it definitely isn’t the most professional/easy way, but most channels don’t even have one​:man_shrugging:. If it works though, I’ll be happy :slight_smile:

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I think the intro is a bit long. You should remove the rotation from “infinite_visions”. Otherwise, good job, it is pretty well done :smiley:.

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I think you should edit the top icons out, and I also recommend pressing tab when you do that, since it closes the playerlist and will hide it.

Yeah, the video isn’t finished :slight_smile: That was just an example, I have yet to actually record it.

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@EchoWinds, I used panzoid and decided to create my own (Thanks for the link, that software is great). How does this look? (I made the music/effects myself, it is my first time so it isn’t the best😅)

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It looks nice, though it seems too basic. Not that it’s a bad thing, but you should try using already made ones on the website that have lots of effects going on.

Yeah, I am reluctant to use the pre-made ones, as I prefer to keep it a bit more original. I’ll keep working on it :slight_smile:

I did try to use a pre-made template, and it turned out like this:

Certainly not bad, but I am too prideful to use someone else’s work😅

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Understandable, I’m looking forward to see what the final product of your intro will look like!

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Wow, I’m sure you’re gonna get 1 Billion subscribers!


Haha, thank you. I certainly am not that good yet, but it means a lot :slight_smile:


Nice intro, I like making animated UI things in Roblox.

Funny thing: your channel has popped up in my recommended twice.

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Animating is fun :slight_smile: That is pretty funny that it has popped up (and random).

Google is stalking us😳

9 year old gaming intros be like :dancer:t5: :dancer:t5:

Jokes aside. Try to avoid those. They are cringe. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


The real question is, what should I do :thinking: No intro, and have an outro instead? Or just no intro, and no outro?

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I would honestly go with a clean intro since those loud flashy panzoid intros usually drive people away (ngl they are kinda cringe :flushed:)

The one you made in studio is nice. In conveys what you do on your channel and essentially would work fine. Take @Alvin_Blox’s intro for example (Not sure if he still has it). It was short, simple and said scripting tutorials on it.

TLDR: The one you made in studio would work fine with a bit of refining and stuff!

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Thanks for the feedback! I agree the other intros are pretty clunky, but they were fun to make :slight_smile: I’m going to freshen up the original intro in studio (so it fades after coming in, I will remove the spinning effect, etc)

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