GUI invisible in the editor

I’ve been having a bizarre issue with the Studio editor that I suspect is related to my scripts: GUI elements don’t show up in the editor, despite being perfectly visible while running the game. Along with being invisible, the outlines of the GUI will flash when selected (see video).

After lots of googling, I’m still stumped. Can scripts create any problem like this with GUIs, even in the editor (outside of a running game)? Would appreciate any help!!

What have I already checked?

  • The View > UI Visibility option is toggled on
  • All ScreenGuis, frames, and elements have transparency set to 0 and “Visible” toggled on
  • The ScreenGui’s ShowDevelopmentGui property is toggled on
  • I’ve reinstalled Studio

Here’s the GUI while the game is running:

set the ShowDevelopmentGui property of startergui to true

Also in the view tab there is a button that enables / disables GUI visibility

Thank you, but I had already made sure that that was set to true.

Yep, before posting I made sure to check that this wasn’t the issue :(

FINALLY fixed it :sob: will close thread. For anyone who sees this, here’s what was going on:

  • I made a minimal working example (great approach to debugging!) which showed me that a certain group of parts was the issue: deleting them made my GUI reappear in the editor.
  • There’s a lot of these parts (~7k of them) in my scene with each of which possessing a SelectionBox. I assumed that each box was considered a GUI object, and with the number I was rendering, I was overloading Studio before it got around to rendering my on-screen GUI elements.
  • So, with a script, I disabled the visibility of every selection box of every part. Then my GUI magically came back!
  • The GUI only disappeared in the editor because the game has streaming enabled: most of the selection boxes weren’t being rendered in-game, leaving room for the on-screen elements to get rendered, too.

In short, I tried rendering thousands of GUI elements at once. Bad move. :P

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