GUI keeps going under logo

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    I want to achieve the text “Bulletproof’s Mod” be near the logo of the game like in the picture.

  2. What is the issue?
    The logo keeps going offset or the text going under logo

  3. What solutions have you tried so far?
    I tried using plugin Autoscale Lite

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It seems that your choices on how you position GUI objects is leading to this unwanted occurrence. Can you share the size, position, and anchor point of both GUI objects (after the loading screen is complete)?

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Have you tried ‘IgnoreGuilnset’?

Show your gui hierarchy on the right… you should have both guis under the same parent gui, so that when the parent scales, the children stay in the same position relative to each other.

Yes, i did try “IgnoreGuiInset”, it didnt help.

Position of logo: 0.028, 0, 0.129, 0
Size of logo: 0.099, 0, 0.126, 0
Anchor Point of logo: 0, 0

Position of frame: {0, 66},{0, 69}
Size of frame: {0, 212},{0, 42}
Anchor Point: 0, 0

They are children of the same ScreenGui.

How to fix weird phone placement: Have you considered trying to size your frame using scaling, rather than pixels? You did that for your image, and you should for your text as well, as different devices have different Pixels Per Inch. You may want to use an aspectratioconstraint like you did for the image to make sure that it always remains wider than taller.

How to fix text hidden under the logo: It is possible that you are also getting messed up by the aspect ratio constraint, as that is definitely resizing one aspect of your frame (I would guess it is enlarging the x-aspect (which means it shows as being based on height), as that would explain your problem, check if you have sizing based on the height or width, changing it to the width may help.