GUI loading feedback

Hello!, Im not so good scripter but, im trying making a loading GUI, also, this is a early version of the gui.


  • This is good
  • But Needs some changes
  • This is bad

0 voters


The intro/loading screen is too long imo. But, the length depends on how you’ve implemented it really. Is the ‘loading’ based on a wait()? Or, is it based on ContentProvider?

I’d personally start the intro/loading screen at ~0:49. But, before that, have the warning.

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Its based in “if not child.IsLoaded then child.Loaded:Wait() end”
I dont use ContentProvider, but i will try it.

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Also, the music lenght its 169 seconds so… thats why

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I think it would be best to get a player into the actual game as quick as possible.

If I have a slow device as to why I load into a game slow, that would make more sense to players than a pre-determined 169 second wait time.

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Ok, there its 3 types of loading: Menu, Important and Optional (Very small things like gun sounds, or imgaes), Also. There is an Skip Button

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I like it. Its a bit long yes, but nice. Minimal too.

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