About Us
Welcome to State of Milford!
Based off of Real Life San Francisco and Watch Dogs 2, we are a up-coming awesome realistic games! We are a State or County Roleplay, and do our best to provide a awesome gaming experience. If new here, we do much things, game nights, giveaways, and SSU’s, maybe even activities to do in the SSU! We are looking for good members and awesome people to join our group! To join a LEO Department you must go through the Academy in #links !
We wish you a good luck in State of Milford, see you soon!
Sincerely, Diguard, Founder
About The Job
A GUI Maker or designer to make different GUI’s for the state of Milford. Including, Radio, Inventory, and etc. We just need a very experienced GUI Developer to come work for us. Thank you!
USD Paypal
Contact Us
Contact me through discord or roblox.
Discord: Diguard#1193
Roblox: Diguard
Thanks for reading!