Hello everyone! I just finished watching alvinbloxes tutorial on how to make a tool gui and everything went well and he shows how to make a a title for the gun and what not but I was wondering how do you make it to show the price of the weapon with the name of it. Also I wanted to know how I can make my guns order from lowest price to the highest price like how most games do. Thanks for any help!
For the Weapon label you can you use a StringValue
to check the TextLabel and display whatever you input
I did that but kept getting an error saying attempt to index nil with “Value”
Make sure the object is a StringValue and that you’re not referencing an uncreated object/nothing.
I did and I had a textlabel for where it will display the cost and I had the string value but still got the error
I would make sure in your code that you are referencing the correct value. If you’re still getting this please show me your code so I can have more to reference off of.
Well I still got the error here is a picture of my code with the stringvalue and the value of the string value
Try removing the .Name after tool.
objectPrice.Text = tool.Price.Value
thanks man, works perfectly great!
Glad to hear! Please mark it as the solution.
Sorry was doing more testing and found out that the prices go to the wrong guns
Some values go to the right guns while other go to the wrong guns
I dont really know how your script works but make sure all the prices in the gun are correct and also make sure you have nothing changing prices after they are set.
There is nothing that is changing the price because the price I added just for showing the price and also they are all correct
Only problem that I can think of is that the weapons are not getting defined correctly causing the prices to go to random guns
If you could show me your entire script it would help. I can think of a couple of reasons it may be occurring.
- Something is changing the price label
- The prices values are incorrect
- They are getting defined incorrectly/referenced incorrectly
I will send it to you in about 5 minutes I am going to go eat dinner real quick
Thats fine, I will look over what you have sent already for anything that could be occurring.
ok so I finished and here is the script
local folder = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Tools")
local frame = script.Parent:WaitForChild("ScrollingFrame")
local template = frame.Template
local shopButton = script.Parent:WaitForChild("ShopButton")
local objectPrice = template:WaitForChild("ObjectPrice")
for _, tool in pairs(folder:GetChildren()) do
local newTemplate = template:Clone()
newTemplate.Name = tool.Name
newTemplate.ObjectName.Text = tool.Name
newTemplate.Visible = true
newTemplate.Parent = frame
local objectPrice = template:WaitForChild("ObjectPrice")
objectPrice.Text = tool.Price.Value
local object = tool:Clone()
object.Parent = newTemplate.ViewportFrame
local camera = Instance.new("Camera")
camera.CFrame = CFrame.new(object.Handle.Position + (object.Handle.CFrame.lookVector*5)+ Vector3.new(2,2,2),object.Handle.Position)
camera.Parent = newTemplate.ViewportFrame
newTemplate.ViewportFrame.CurrentCamera = camera
local result = game.ReplicatedStorage.BuyItem:InvokeServer(tool.Name)
if result == true then
newTemplate.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.00392157, 1, 0.0352941)
newTemplate.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.92549, 0, 0)
newTemplate.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1)
frame.Visible = not frame.Visible
Are the same prices getting messed up or is it random?