GUI Menu System | Any advice?

I recently made a menu system. I wanna get some advice before I start using it.

I’m planning on open sourcing this.
And ignore the dog…


You should change the anchor point of the frames so that it tweens from the center.

Please also change the Close button to an image button

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All UI’s should close when the player clicks the home button.

It’s good enough, but the position of the Home button isn’t at the center:

(screenshot fullscreen on video)

The red line shows the actual (almost) center of the screen.
The menu could also look better using non-linear easing, and the window should be popping up from its center, not on its top-left corner.

That’s what I meant.

This text will be blurred


I disagree with that because if they are on mobile they will have less screen space and they will click the home button to close the windows. But if they do the window is also gone.

I changed it up.

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Looks better, the box text isn’t centered, though.

When you hover over the home button, the red button behind it is visible.

What I would do is have the name of the menus on the sides as an option, as ux is very important these days on Roblox.