Gui Mouse Enter and Leave

those Gui Events sometimes do not work so I would have to disable and reenable the script in order for them to work again.

That helped a tiny bit but again brought a good deal of other issues. I hope this gets fixed soon, I depend on these events the most with my Guis on the current game I am working on.

I have no issues with MouseEnter but MouseLeave doesn’t always get fired.

This is annoying when making a GUI menu and having the menu options animate left and right and sometimes the buttons don’t go back inline because of MouseLeave not firing.

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ah yes, i do often have issues with MouseLeave and sometimes MouseButton1Up. MouseLeave doesn’t fire when the mouse leaves the window, and MouseButton1Up doesn’t appear to fire if the mouse isn’t on the gui the was clicked. I believe there are some other quirky instances where these might not work.

Edit: My chat gui is able to produce both these problems at once.

  1. click and drag the little [ :: ] in the corner and make the box as small as possible
  2. release with the mouse inside the chatgui frame
    *Now the frame will follow the mouse because MouseButton1Up did not fire
  3. Left click and then right click while moving your mouse away from the the frame and release.
  • Now MouseLeave Doesn’t fire.

I’ve recreated the scripts to work around those events, but now less animation.

Still hope this would get fixed!

Very annoying glitch, I have two games that have this problem (I had to use MouseMoved on one of them to make it look at least a little neat). Slyde and also Repeat It have this bug. Makes it seem somewhat unprofessional.