GUI not affected by Local Script using Remote Event with OnClientEvent

Hello. I’m currently working on a find the cubes game basically like a scavenger hunt. I am trying to make a pop-up Gui that shows what cube you have found.

The game is single player (1 player server) so a module script is used for keeping track of the player’s cubes found.

The issue is that for some reason, the Gui does not get affected at all, but the remote event that is fired from the server to the client does not break or error. The Gui just simply won’t turn visible or get affected in any way.

I’ve tried to make the entire ScreenGui enable and disable and saw if that would work, but it still didn’t affect the Gui. I tried to make a frame of a different ScreenGui enable and disable and it worked with a different local script, but it didn’t work in the OnClientEvent function in the actual local script below. I looked in the Developer Hub but I couldn’t find any solution related to my problem.

Here is the local script named Message:

--Script is the Receiver of Remote Event

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local StarterGui = game:GetService("StarterGui")

local FoundCubeRemoteEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("FoundCubeRemoteEvent")

local FoundCubeGui = StarterGui:WaitForChild("ScreenGui")
local FoundCubeFrame = FoundCubeGui:WaitForChild("FoundCubeFrame")
local CubeViewportFrame = FoundCubeFrame:WaitForChild("CubeViewportFrame")

--Tween Info
--local tweenInfo = 0

--Listener of Remote Event
	--Setting Frame visibility to true
	FoundCubeFrame.Visible = true
	FoundCubeFrame:WaitForChild("FoundCubeLabel").Text = cubeObject.Name .. "!"
	--Sets the color property of the FoundCubeLabel to the color of the rarity
	if cubeObject:WaitForChild("Rarity").Value == "Common" then
		FoundCubeFrame:WaitForChild("FoundCubeLabel").TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(97, 97, 97)
	elseif cubeObject:WaitForChild("Rarity") == "Uncommon" then
		FoundCubeFrame:WaitForChild("FoundCubeLabel").TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(47, 180, 40)
	elseif cubeObject:WaitForChild("Rarity") == "Rare" then
		FoundCubeFrame:WaitForChild("FoundCubeLabel").TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(25, 86, 255)
	elseif cubeObject:WaitForChild("Rarity") == "Epic" then
		FoundCubeFrame:WaitForChild("FoundCubeLabel").TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(109, 25, 255)
	end --Expand when more rarities!
	CubeViewportFrame:ClearAllChildren() --Removing previous cubes and cameras from the cube viewport frame to refresh it
	local cubeClone = cubeObject:Clone()
	cubeClone.Parent = CubeViewportFrame
	local camera ="Camera")
	camera.Parent = CubeViewportFrame
	CubeViewportFrame.CurrentCamera = camera
	camera.CFrame = cubeClone.CFrame *, 0, cubeClone.Size.z * 1.5)
	--Tween In
	--Tween Out
	--Setting Frame visibility to false
	FoundCubeFrame.Visible = false

Here is the Module Script named CubesModule:

local Module = {
	CubeList = {},
	FoundCubes = {},
	CubeCount = 0

return Module

Here is the server-sided script named CubeDetectionScript
(This script is inside every cube that you can collect):

local CubesModule = require(game:GetService("ServerScriptService").CubesModule)

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local FoundCubeRemoteEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("FoundCubeRemoteEvent")

local players = game:GetService("Players")

local cube = script.Parent

foundCubes = CubesModule.FoundCubes

--When the cube is found by player
	if touch.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
		local char = touch.Parent
		local plr = players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(char)
		--Checks if already found
		local check
		for i, v in pairs(CubesModule.FoundCubes) do
			if v == cube.Name then
				check = true
		--If cube not found yet then this cube is found
		if check ~= true then
			print(tostring(plr) .. " found " .. cube.Name)

			table.insert(foundCubes, cube.Name)
			CubesModule.CubeCount = #(CubesModule.FoundCubes)
			plr:WaitForChild("leaderstats"):WaitForChild("Cubes").Value = CubesModule.CubeCount
			FoundCubeRemoteEvent:FireClient(plr, cube)

Here is the Main Server-Sided Script named MainScript:

CubesModule = require(game:GetService("ServerScriptService").CubesModule)

	local leaderstats ="Folder")
	leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats"
	leaderstats.Parent = plr

	local plrFoundCubes ="IntValue")
	plrFoundCubes.Name = "Cubes"
	plrFoundCubes.Parent = leaderstats
	plrFoundCubes.Value = CubesModule.CubeCount --Use module to set value and maybe use remote events/functions, and will be saved and loaded with datastore

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

local CubeDetectionScript = game.ServerStorage.ScriptsStorage.CubeDetectionScript

local CubeList = {}
for i, v in pairs(game.Workspace.CubeStorageWorkspace:GetChildren()) do
	DetectionScript = CubeDetectionScript:Clone()
	DetectionScript.Parent = v
	DetectionScript.Enabled = true
	name = v.Name
	CubeList[i] = name

CubesModule.CubeList = CubeList

CubesModule.CubeCount = #(CubesModule.FoundCubes)

while true do 

Here is the Gui:

Thank you all

1 Like

you dont need to get StarterGui just to get the parent of the script, just do script.Parent

not only that, changing anything in StarterGui wont change anything on the player’s screen, instead you need to get the PlayerGui object inside the Player object (i recommend to check this out)

also when making tween info, you need to make a TweenInfo object using


  • remove StarterGui
  • change FoundCubeGui to script.Parent
  • change tweenInfo to

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