Gui not filling up the whole screen

Hello people. Currently, I am working on a prototype for an upcoming game I call Quest For Nevermoor (like the limited). Anyways, when I tested out the menu gui, the menu wasn’t filling up the whole screen. I have dealt with this problem before, but just forgot about the project when it happened. Need help.

From: Dev_BB1

wait nevermind, pretty sure it has to do with offset of your gui.

In your frame or whatnot make sure offset is 0 for both x and y pretty sure there’s also a plugin for this as well.

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Make the frame size {1,0,1,0} as that will make the frame fill up the whole screen.


Doing that made my gui tiny. I don’t what i’m doing wrong.

I assumed that you already had scale to 1, but as @IAmPinleon said you also have to change the scale to 1 for both x and y.


Hip hip heeray! It worked. That’s the first gui that I properly used. Thanks for the help!