Gui not fitting for all devices

I dont know what category to put this in but my gui is not working for all devices, i changed the offset to zero and the anchor point but its still not working

Screen Shot 2021-02-07 at 11.00.44 AM

Did u scale the gui using scale ?

thats a plugin right?

In Position and Scale properties, there are two brackets with numbers in them.
They look like this:
{0, 0}, {0, 0}

Each are constructed out of UDim’s which look like this:
{0, 0}
The 0 on the left is offset, while the 0 on the right is scale. Offset is based off of exact size, (ex: 3 IN or 6 CM) while Scale is based off of client screen. (0.3 * Screen Size)

You should almost always use scale to avoid issues with scaling.

No actually the size is x = 0,0 y=0,0 where there first 0 is scale and second is offset so if u use scale it will scale it if ur device is small it will be small

so should i have the offset on 0?

Get the auto scale ui plugin it helps alot.:grin:

Almost always.

An example would be:
{0, 0.25}, {0, 0.25}

if you do not want to undergo a hassle, this plugin does it automatically for you:

woah we posted at the same time.:smiley:

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Yeah, just considered adding the plug-in moments before.

im not really sure how to use the plugin

Auto scale is very useful when your to lazy to do it manually

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It should show up in the plug-ins section. Select the UI you would like to scale (Always the descendant of ScreenGUI) and click the plugin.

Well when you click on the plugins you ill be greeted With some options I do not remember the names but do offset

Select your desired ui and simply press on the plugin. If there’s any children in the frame your scaling you don’t need to select the children only the parent in some instances

ah, looks like i put the buttons in a frame, i had to change the offset on the frame

thanks for helping everyone

No problem.:grin::grin::grin::grin: Always happy to help