Gui not scaling properly

I’m trying to make a bunch of GUIs for my game, but all of them only scale properly at 1920*1080. The Roblox dev wiki says that the scale value will move the GUI element a variable distance based off the screen size but as far as I can tell, it doesn’t do that. Am I doing something wrong with the screengui, the frame or the button object?

Top image 1080 * 1920 bottom image 1366 * 768

If you mean scaling between devices, you need your offset 0 and scale only number > 0, The offset in position and scale should be 0.

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For each gui you would need your offset to be 0 and scale to be bigger than 0. For instance:

script.Parent.Size =, 0, 0.1, 0)
-- the first and third number are scale
-- the other 2 are offset

It also needs to be the same with position.

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I’ve been working on a different frame object to first get the hang of GUIs.

I’ve been messing around with the GUIs for a bit and something strange is happening. So the frame scales fine at lower resolutions, but when I shrink the frame, the GUI textbox moves with the frame, but at a slower rate than the frame.