Hello Developers! I’m new to scripting and I made a Script but for some reason the Gui isn’t showing but the rest of it is working. I would very appreciate it if you were to tell me what was wrong with it. Here’s the script:
local Map1 = game.ReplicatedStorage.Map1
local GoldenBalls = game.StarterGui.goldenballs.GoldenBalls
while true do
Map1:Clone().Parent = game.Workspace
GoldenBalls.Visible = true
GoldenBalls.Visible = false
First off, what are you trying to execute using the script. Finally, please drag in the code not write it here it’s more simpler to spot mistakes for us.
The reason I believe is cuz ur changing the starter gui. It means that UI will show to anyone who joins but the current in-game players will not see it.
Yea do what @EternalEthel said which is what i said about the starter gui will only spawn to players who join (the reason why it is called starter). That should change it.
I just wanted to add that if this script is a server script then you will need to fire an client all event and then collect it up in a local script. U then change the code which @EternalEthel put.)
Or u could do a for i, v do loop and loop through all the players to the player gui and then find the UI via the server side but that is less efficient then firing to all clients and doing it via the client side/locals script)
You are referencing the StarterGui instead of the PlayerGui. Do you want the GUI to show for everybody at the same time? Also, is this a server script or a local script?