GUI not updating at all

I am trying to make a GUI text label and a image label which shows the username and the avatar of a player in a team. This team will only have a limit of 1 player. However, when I tested out, it works only when there is one person in the server. However, since this is a multiplayer game, I need it to work for everyone. Is there anyway I can fix that problem? Here is the code for both below.

Script for the Username

while true do
	if game.StarterGui.ScreenGui.Procedure.Visible then
		local players = game.Players:GetPlayers()
		for i,v in pairs(players) do
			if v.Team.Name == "Host" then
				script.Parent.Text = v.Name
				script.Parent.Text = "Username"

Script for the avatar picture

while true do
	if game.StarterGui.ScreenGui.Procedure.Visible then
		local players = game.Players:GetPlayers()
		for i,v in pairs(players) do
			if v.Team.Name == "Host" then
				local userId = v.UserId
				local thumbType = Enum.ThumbnailType.HeadShot
				local thumbSize = Enum.ThumbnailSize.Size420x420
				local content = game.Players:GetUserThumbnailAsync(userId, thumbType, thumbSize)
				script.Parent.Image = content
				script.Parent.Image = "rbxasset://textures/ui/GuiImagePlaceholder.png" 


I want it to look like this for both screens

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Replying to bump up the post as no one replied

Your way of getting ScreenGui is currently setting to the one where it holds a copy and clones to the PlayerGui, Everything updated is on PlayerGui instead of StarterGui, hence why it doesn’t update

local playerSV = game:GetService("Players")
local player_crv = playerSV.LocalPlayer

local ScreenGUI = player_crv.PlayerGui.ScreenGui --or directly from "script.Parent" if your script was inside a ScreenGui

I changed it using script.Parent for the if statement above but then the same thing happened again.

maybe it’s because how you checked the boolean of visible, either that you are missing the check on the if statement which is only assigning to the property, if you need to check a value, it should include double equals otherwise it won’t read, following with the datatype that you are checking with e.g bool_val.Value == false

(i edited the response incase for some people new to scripting)

and make sure the script’s parent is ScreenGUI, not anything else

if PlayerGui.ScreenGui.Procedure.Visible then

--it should have "== true" or "== false" 

if PlayerGui.ScreenGui.Procedure.Visible == true then

It works now thanks for helping me!

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