Gui only shows for one specific user (Solved)

So I want to do that this gui
only pops up for one person that I want, for example putting the id of that person in a script in this gui so it only pops up for them

You would have to clone/enable it from a server script.

    if player.UserId == 1234 then
        local gui = player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
        gui.BadgeClaimer.Enabled = true

Can you tell me step by step how to do that and where to put that script?

ServerScriptService shoul be fine

Alright thank you very much I will test it out now!

Would it be

local players = game.Players

if player.UserId == 1234 then
local gui = player:WaitForChild(“PlayerGui”)
gui.BadgeClaimer.Enabled = true


Create a new script in Server Script Service. It may make more sense to clone the gui so move your badge claim gui to a child of the new script, like so.


The script itself will be short, relying on the service “Players” and the fact that each player in the game is given their own “PlayerGui” folder, but only in-game, you cannot find it in studio. The normal use case is that StarterGui is copied into each player’s PlayerGui.

-- players lets you access and manage each player
local players = game:GetService("Players")

-- every time a player joins the game we will ...

    -- check if they are our target user, replace 1234 with the UserId you want
    if player.UserId == 1234 then

        -- make sure our target has their "PlayerGui" folder
        local gui = player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")

        -- clone and insert the gui onto their screen
        local clone = script.BadgeClaimer:Clone()
        clone.Parent = gui

So then I put my ID for example, en it should only be visible to me?

Yes, since it is a server script. Players even hackers cannot see what is inside server scripts.

local players = game:GetService(“Players”)

if player.UserId == 4175206083 then
local gui = player:WaitForChild(“PlayerGui”)
local clone = script.Ksuy_lav1112:Clone()
clone.Parent = gui

isn’t wotking

Nevermind it works, sorry.


Can you show a screenshot of your explorer like I did with Script and BadgeClaimer? Also paste code with three back ticks like so

local players = game:GetService(“Players”)

if player.UserId == 1234 then

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