GUI placement and size problem

Anyone know how to fix this thing? Im trying to place a Gui above the Toolbar but it always goes off the correct position when i change resolution, pls helpppp, ill send a image what im trying to explain

You need to set the Y property of the anchor point to 1 and the Y section of the position to { 1 , -80 }

This is because the toolbar is measured in pixels when it is placed (to ensure its the same height accross all devices probably)

If you want the frame closer or further away from the toolbar, just trial and error changing the offset Y value of the position (i.e. the -80 part)

Here is an example:


OMG THANKS IT WORKED, i really hate ui, cant belive i wasted days trying to figure this, thank you skengman 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷

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