I am having trouble making a imagelabel to the position i want it to be.
On 1920x1080, this is how it looks like.
On 768x375, and much other resoloutions, this is how it looks like:
Here are the properties:
I’ve used the Autoscale plugin, yet it still is positioned incorrectly on any other device other than 1920x1080. (I want it centered)
Any idea what could be causing this?
I’m pretty sure the UDim2 scale of the Position needs to be .5 and the offset needs to be half the size of the GUI.
I’ve seen plenty of other posts about this exact same issue on the forums here.
Try searching GUI won’t fit screen size
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I think you are correct, but then the GUI would still be uncentered, which im not sure what is causing that… I will tinker with it.
EDIT: Turns out if i put it to 0.5, it works on mobile, but now not on 1920x1080…
Edit again: Turns out its just broken in studio for some reason, works fine in game now, thanks!
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