GUI preview plugin for making guis using scripts. Would you use it?

Hey there developers!

Recently, I started developing a Plugin related to scripting GUIs for your games and projects. Do you think this would be helpful to many? Do you have any feedback? Do you have any suggestions?

What is the plugin?

I call this plugin ‘uEye’. uEye provides you an easy way to view the preview of how GUIs would look in game! A plugin specifically made for previewing GUIs that are made with scripts but also GUIs made without scripts [Togglable]!

Take this as an example:

Suppose you are trying to make a frame using scripts but struggle changing positions and sizes to your desire.

local frame ="Frame", script.Parent)
frame.Size =, 0,0.22, 0)
frame.Position =,0,0.5,0)
frame.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1)
frame.AnchorPoint =,0.5)

You mess around with the properties trying to get the GUI to be perfectly placed and sized. You make a change, press play to see if it worked and continue to do the same until it is pefect. Which is really time consuming if you have a slow device. And to counter this problem when making guis using scripts. I am developing this plugin.

Script your guis, get previews that instantly update as you script! No need to keep pressing the play button to see if the guis are what you desire! Not only that, but the plugin will also allow you to move gui previews here and there and suggest you code that could help you achieve what you want to! You can freely edit the Guis and get code samples for the same!

  • The plugin would also provide features such as selecting scripts’ you would want the guis from to be displayed as a preview.
  • Select guis that you want to preview
  • Get code samples and suggestions to improve your code
  • Edit the preview to meet your desire and then easily change the code in your script.

Difficulty I am facing

  • I am scripting my own parser to parse through all the variables and instances that are created in the script using script.Source and my own algorithms. Due to which it is practically impossible to parse through every variety of code block a person writes, so there will be limited use cases. Any suggestions or solutions for the same?

Example Showcase of what I have achieved as yet

  • Parsing right now cannot parse through functions like math.random etc.

Would you use this plugin for making guis using scripts? Why? Why not?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

If this is ever released. Would it be helpful? Any suggestions and feedback would be appreciated!



Couldn’t you just design the UI yourself, and then convert it into a script using a plugin?

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Is there a plugin that does that already, about which I don’t know?

Yes there is a plugin called Gui To Lua and it converts any ui element into a script.

Woah thats cool, I’ll check it out, thanks!