[GUI] Problem with image Slice

I have problem with positioning SliceCenter.
I used Roblox white circle(rbxasset://textures/whiteCircle.png) as image with SliceScale 0.04 and SliceCenter parameters(image below):

Here’s what I got and what I expected(at center of frame):

But if I’ll try to make smooth border at bottom with this SliceCenter parameters:

I get this…

I tried on higher resolution image, result stay same. I know about UICorner but that object makes all corners smooth. I want to split that thing, to make top and bottom lines with specific colors or transparency(like on images “Terminal” title and content zone have different transparency) or something. I also tried increase scale. It fixes problem but corners makes too large

Do I need to make custom image or is there way to fix in studio?

UPD: Possible picked wrong category on this forum. If I did so, please correct me which category I should pick

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I would change it to #help-and-feedback:art-design-support

I don’t think Scripters can help you here lol.

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Can you try setting “Bottom” to 255? It may be a rounding issue.

Makes no effect even if I move Top/Left/Right a little down

What’s happening is pretty much as expected, there’s nothing wrong with it, that’s how 9 slices work

You might actually need to make a custom image since I don’t think you can make it with a circle. You’d need to do something like this:

Or personally, you can try this plugin https://create.roblox.com/marketplace/asset/6674294794

it uses frames instead of an image and uses UICorner and covers the no-rounded corner parts with some other frames, there is some weakness to it like it doesn’t support transparency, but I’d say that you’d give it a try.

Hope this helps :smile:


Thanks for helping, problem solved. Just trying to understand: why variant with 256 256 256 0 slice works fine? I mean this must be looks weird same as 256 256 0 256 but for some reason its not

I think it’s just so squished to a point that it look straight even though it doesn’t

In a bigger slice scale or bigger frame it’ll just look as expected.

either way you’d probably better off not doing this.

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