New to scripting and gui’s tbh, managed to make basic ones in the past however im trying to work with images on this gui. What I am making is a HP and Mana bar and I managed to get it to work fine for me however for another player the gui has a messed up ratio. is my view
is their view.
After reading around online I tried using UIAspectRatioConstraint however it didn’t fix the issue, sorry if this is a simple fix, was my last resort to come here really.
Are you using scale or offset or any in between? These tend to be the usual problem and can be solved pretty quick. If you can, screenshot your properties for each image and then screenshot your explorer so we can see what size/position the UI works within.
Instead of using offset while positioning, use scale and be sure to use the aspect ratio constraint. For more information see this page: Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub