Gui resizes when i playing my game

hello there!

When i was making the game, gui was pretty good. (in Roblox Studio)

But when i published it and started the game in Roblox, i see next. The gui is actully broke, and all just mixed and it’s not good anymore, i have been tried ‘AnchorPoint’, but didn’t work

can somebody help me please?

my Display resolution: 1920x1080

Do you mind providing me with a screenshot of the properties?

You need to set the position to offset

The position needs to be scale. Offset goes off of pixels, so for example if a device has 10x20 pixels, and the GUI is 15x25 pixels, it will overtake their screen. Scale goes off of a percentage of the screen, so if it is set to {0.5, 0},{0.5, 0}, the GUI will take up 50% of the width (X) and 50% of the height (Y). I believe they also need to set their AspectRatio to keep the GUI from widening too much on certain devices as well, but I will only know that once they provide their properties.

The same scale/position method provides for the position. If the Offset is set to 25 x, and someone is playing on a device with 20 pixels, the gui will simply not show up on their screen, but if it set to scale 0.8, that means it will appear towards the right side of the user’s screen.

The position starts at the top left corner with scale, and that corner is at 0, 0.

However, I think this is more of an aspect ratio/sizing issue than a positioning issue