GUI scaling in the wrong direction

Is there a way to make my bar scale on the opposite side? I tried changing the AnchorPoint but it just moved the GUIs in the wrong position instead.

What I have now:

What I need to achieve:


Sorry for being late!
Make sure to have your X Scale set to 1 and the Anchor point X set to 1 and it should work.

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Hi and thanks for your reply!
I tried what you suggested but the problem that I mentioned in my original post

Still occurs! Let me show you:
When setting the AnchorPoint of the whole bar (including the background one) this happens:

While setting it for the red bar only:

And just to clarify, I have the X scale set to 1:

Have any idea why? It’s not a big deal, but it still looks bad the way it is now.

by X Scale i meant position, try doing that

Works like a charm now! :star_struck: Thanks!