GUI Scaling Issue

Hey everyone!
I have just encountered a problem immediately after publishing my game which made my car spawning GUI’s buttons look extremely.
I am indeed using scale, not offset for all frames.

I have already searched online, and I have not found a solution that quite fits my problem.

This is what it looks like in game:

This is what it looks like on Studio:

Any suggestions for fixing?

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I ain’t too sure, but I think I read some part that Offset “breaks” your GUI scale. I use a plugin for this called AutoScale Lite but make sure you make the changes NEVER on the original roblox studio game, make a backup because it can scale it in a form that you don’t want to, but it resize it for every single platform ( cellphone, PC, tablets, etc)

After installing the plugin it will appear something like this:


You press on the one that says Unit Conversion


And then a tab will appear and you click on both “Scale Buttons”


And that would be everything.

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Yes, that is the plugin I used and both are already set to scale. For some reason it doesn’t work in game, but works in studio (even using the screen emulator).

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Try using UIConstraint from the AutoScale plugin(The “AddConstraint Button”(Red one)).

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where do i put the constraint?

Using Scale is the best option here.

Offset is the size for your current screen.
Scale is the automatic size for any device.

Make sure you leave no offset behind if so.

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It appears it was some Roblox graphical issue as it was fixed the next day without me making any updates.

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