GUI Scaling not working even with plugin and UIAspectRatio

Hello there, I’ve always had issues while scaling GUIs for multiple devices.

I’m making use of “AutoScale Lite” in order to turn my Offsets into Sizes, as well as using the UIAspectRatioConstraint.

Even though I’m using both methods, which is what is recommended I still get the same results, the GUIs change size and position depending on screen size.

This is how it looks in studio:

This is how it looks when I simulate it with my screen size:

The size pretty much keeps the same, but the position changes, I’ve converted position from offset to Size so I can’t seem to spot the problem here.

did you change the anchorpoint of the guis?
anchorpoints are important if you use uiaspectratioconstraint

To make the position not change so much after using Scale or adding a UIAspectRatioConstraint change the AnchorPoint to 0.5,0.5, that’s what I always do, I have experienced this problem before. By default a GUI’s origin is at the top left corner, changing anchor point to 0.5,0.5 changes the origin to the center instead. Make sure to convert the position to scale as well if they are not.