GUI Scaling Problem Help

Hello, I’m making a universal GUI Framework System, so the GUI can be used for multiple purposes in any situation, so far I’ve made a Confirmation Prompt. but even though it’s using Scale rather than Offset, it’s still maintaining its same size, which is good, but I would like it to adapt to smaller screen sizes, so if a player’s screen is smaller, rather than it being its actual size, it be shrunk a little bit.

The reason why it’s doing this is because I’m using the AutomaticSize property on both Axis, it makes it so I can add and remove GUI Elements without having to rescale the whole GUI manually, which helps a lot! But in return, I get this annoying “glitch”?

I’m not very good with GUI, so your help would be much appreciated, thank you!

Oh and yes, I did try using the UIAspectRatioConstraint, but that didn’t fix it at all.

I use a plugin called AutoScale Lite to scale my GUI’s.

Autoscale Lite Documentation

I don’t know if this will help at all but might as well post.

GUI looks good btw!

Look, I’ve said several times, that I’m already using Scale not Offset, I don’t need an Auto-Scale plugin.

Anyway, it doesn’t matter. Thanks for trying I suppose.

Oh, I apologise this is my first post, not the second one, long story short on my second post, many have suggested using that plugin when it’s not the issue I’m experiencing, but I already found out the problem, AutomaticSize doesn’t adapt to screen size.