Hello, I’m making a universal GUI Framework System, so the GUI can be used for multiple purposes in any situation, so far I’ve made a Confirmation Prompt. but even though it’s using Scale rather than Offset, it’s still maintaining its same size, which is good, but I would like it to adapt to smaller screen sizes, so if a player’s screen is smaller, rather than it being its actual size, it be shrunk a little bit.
The reason why it’s doing this is because I’m using the AutomaticSize property on both Axis, it makes it so I can add and remove GUI Elements without having to rescale the whole GUI manually, which helps a lot! But in return, I get this annoying “glitch”?
I’m not very good with GUI, so your help would be much appreciated, thank you!
Oh and yes, I did try using the UIAspectRatioConstraint, but that didn’t fix it at all.