GUI scripting help

Hello, I am trying to make a custom GUI and for some reason when I click on the donate button it does not open what I would like it to open. here’s some screenshots.

Screenshots of the problem

I have no clue what’s wrong, due to the fact that I do not do scripting myself.

Well firstly on line 2 there is no child called Donate, only in the Shop gui is there a child called Donate not in Frame.

Secondly on line 3 there is again no child called Donate.

If there are any other issues can you show me the log please and errors.


So what here in this script do I change?

What is line 3 meant to be doing? The same as line 2?

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That’s where I have no clue whatsoever…

Presuming the Donate frame is the only thing you want to pop up, try this:

local donate = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Donate

    donate.Visible = not donate.Visible

Okay well I’m quite confused as to what it’s meant to do then. But for there to be a child named Donate, line 2 needs to be changed to

script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Donate.Visable = true

Trying that right now, will get back to you soon!

Thank you very much it works smooth and great now!