Hello Developers
- What do i want to achieve?
I want to make A Marvel/DC Superhero game.So For That I Want to Make A Character Selection Menu For Multiple Characters and if player selects a character then a gui with specific powers appears.
This is the order how it should occur:-
Players Spawns > Character Selection GUI Appears > Player Selects Character1 > Morphs > Character 1 power gui Appears.
What the issue is?
What is the issue?
I Tried making the Character Selection GUI Using A YouTube Video - How to make Character selection GUI | Roblox studio tutorial - YouTube
I followed the steps as instructed but The Screen Gui Which I Made appeared but the character Selection container which was coded to appear into the gui from remote events and character models from ReplicatedStorage never appeared.
And i have not tried The Specific Powers GUI Fir Specific Character As there is no tutorial on any platform.
Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
What i look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
Yes i have looked but cannot authenticate it whether it would work .
You can check for the place its self for any errors
You can check for the place its self for any errors
This is the place link- Incursion - Roblox
Plz help me. If possible please mention the steps in tutorial format.