GUI Selection Groups Now Causing Client Crash on Gamepads & Xbox

When the SelectionGroup property is enabled in a ScreenGui and the user switches between elements such as TextButtons within that GUI using a gamepad the client will instantly crash. This also happens on Xbox.

This happens within Studio and within game.
Repro File:
CrashRepro.rbxl (50.4 KB)

Xbox stats from my game SharkBite 2:


Happening on my games too UI Selection Between Screen/Surface/BillboardGuis - #17 by plaincamron666

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Thanks for flagging this issue to the team. Our engineering team is actively investigating.

@plaincamron666 @opplo do you have more details about when this issue started?


The graph shows things went wrong at 3PM UK time yesterday.

I assume at the same time this client update was pushed

My timezone is GMT+1

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Our engineering team has resolved the issue. @opplo has confirmed the issue is now fixed on his end.

@plaincamron666 possible to confirm the fix as well when you get a chance please?


Yep it’s fixed now - thanks for looking into it so quickly!


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