GUI showing for only one player (story game)

I am making a story game, but the dialouge/text only shows for one player.



Player 1’s screen:

Player 2’s screen:

Both images were taken at the same time.

Server Script:
local CreateDialougeEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild(“CreateDialougeEvent”)

Local Script (in StarterCharacterScripts):

Any help would be appreciated.

When exactly are you firing the event? You should probably implement a check to make sure that all players have fully loaded into the game before you use the FireAllClients() function, which is probably why it’s not replicating across all players

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I am firing the event after 20 seconds, after al players are loaded in even EARLIER than that.

Hm, are there any errors that you’re getting on your Output at all?

This is what shows up in the player’s output (the one that’s not working). The server and the other player (that’s working) doesn’t see this.


Since your DialogueFrame has no yield functions in it, it’s assuming that there’s already a ScreenGui & Frame inside the Gui but it’s still attempting to load everything else which is resulting in that error

Could you change line 2 in your LocalScript to:

local DialogueFrame = player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui"):WaitForChild("ScreenGui").Frame

And see if you get any differences?

hmm, let me see if it works.


It actually works! Thank you so much for your help! :smiley:

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Np! Just make sure to call that WaitForChild() function to ensure that something will truly load, otherwise it’ll result back as an “infinite yield warning” :wink:

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