Gui size offset value problem

So i’ve been trying to do this little settings here work:

So far i was able to make the orientation thingy work:

But i can’t say the same for the size part, i kinda of got stuck for the scripting of that área cause i don’t know how to like, “call” the size offset of X and Y in a script, and make it so, whatever i type in the textbox, makes it change the offset value.

Basically i wanna do something similar from what i did in this script with the orientation setting:

local PlayerGui = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
local ScreenGui = PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("ScreenGui")
local Frame = ScreenGui:FindFirstChild("Frame")
local Drawings = Frame:FindFirstChild("Drawings")
local Builds = Frame:FindFirstChild("Builds")

	local text = script.Parent.Text
	local cloned = Drawings:WaitForChild("IDImage")
	cloned.Rotation = text

But with the X and Y offset size instead, i just don’t know how.

cloned.Size =, textX, 0, textY)
--'textX' and 'textY' are references to the text of the size X and size Y text boxes respectively.
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Yooo thx bro!! worked just fine