GUI too big on moblie

Hello I have made a UI but the only problem is that on mobile it is very big but on PC it’s not big how could I fix this issue?

for example on the Ipad it’s too small and on a smart phone device some GUIS don’t even appear


You can use the AutoScale plugin which solves this for many including myself:


Change offset to scale. This will work

@410eren Through what? AutoScale Lite?

These options are in the both of size and position.

AutoScale Lite does not do anything to be honest with you

Alright I will see if this will work

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But now it looks like this


can you post the size and the position of the frame?

Man, I said change the offset to scale before

just do 0.1,0,0.1,0 for the size then modify it however you want :+1: and remove aspectradio


Ohhh, lol my bad, I misread your comment


if its worked, can you mark this topic as solved?

I have tried your method and it does not work

store button does not appear but on the desktop it appears

I did 0.1,0,0,1,0 for testing purposes

did you change both? 111111111111

Yeah I have 1111111111111111111111

please don’t use autoscale lite.

the issue is explained here

this also explains how to scale your GUI properly @Berkaygul9

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