Gui visible only when holding key

Hey there, fellow devs!

So, I’ve been making a shooting game with my friend recently, but I’m stuck at the tab leaderboard. Like you know? Phantom forces and arsenal has that leaderboard. A GUI which is only visible when you hold tab (Enum.KeyCode.Tab).

There are multiple posts on this topic. I’ve tried all of them but I’ve still not came up to a solution. It’d be great if anybody could help! Thanks!

  • AridFights1
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InputBegan fires then make the GUI visible, InputEnded fires then make the GUI not visible.


You can use the KeyDown and the KeyUp events that are provided by the mouse by using player:GetMouse()


I’ve tried both of them, even in a normal baseplate. But still doesn’t seem to work. I’ll try again and let you know what happens.

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Alright, provide your code if there is still problems.

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Okay, I’ll try that. Thanks for the replies!

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It could be an issue with how you set up the code and or the script. Make sure you use UserInputService in a localscript and make sure it is placed somewhere that allows localscripts to run, in your case, probably inside of the leaderboard screengui


Yeah, mine is in the frame (the leaderboard).

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Well that’s weird. Somehow it worked even though I did the exact same thing in the main game. Might’ve been a studio bug (Even though I restarted it multiple times), or my script was messed up who knows? Anyways, thanks a lot for the help!

Thanks to:

  1. @Quwanterz;
  2. @Arcilios;
  3. @EmbatTheHybrid!

For anybody who wants to know the code, here it is:

(Please don’t care about the messy code)
game.StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.PlayerList, false)

local u = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local g = script.Parent

u.InputBegan:Connect(function(input, typing)
	if typing then return end

	if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Tab then
		g.Visible = true

u.InputEnded:Connect(function(input, typing)
	if typing then return end

	if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Tab then
		g.Visible = false
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