This is quite an often problem in the Roblox community. I tried to find a fix, searched DevForum, YT and everything. I used the AutoScale Plugin + made sure all the UI’s have an offset of 0. I used UIAspectRatioConstraint, but still problem wasn’t fixed.
90% of my UI’s were correctly positioned but there was some who couldn’t be positioned. For an example Inventory slots inside a scrolling frame /w UIListLayout would not position for the other devices. Keep in mind that everything has an offset of 0 and was autoscaled with the AutoScale Plugin part by part. Here are all my UI’s who couldn’t position properly:
Does anybody have a fix to this that I should know about? If you know the fix, please do. This can get really problematic when doing commissions with a time limit so please tell me the fix asap. Thanks for reading and have a good day.
UIAspectRatioConstraint should fix the problem, you tried making it scale not offset? offset makes it not scale correctly, scale means it scales correctly. Try the same with the UiListLayout.
Okay, this is simple. First, make sure it is all scale (none offset), as everyone else has said. Then, set the the AnchorPoint of the gui to 0.5,0.5 (middle of the screen). Finally, do as everyone else said, and add a UIAspectRatioConstraint. This plugin will scale it correctly, and add constraints: AutoScale Lite - Roblox Good luck!