After becoming very tired of hardcoding gui element inputs in Roblox games, I decided to create a plugin to tie the gui design process and input programming together. The result is GuiBuilder.
What does it do?
GuiBuilder allows for predefined “GuiActions” to be bound to any input event of any gui element. A GuiAction consists of an arbitrary number of parameters (instances, strings, or numbers) as well as a function to be called when the event is fired.
The following frame’s MouseEnter event has been assigned a SetBackgroundColor3 action:
When the player’s mouse enters the frame, its color will be set to black.
How do I use it?
Get the plugin here. GuiBuilder will generate a folder called “GuiBuilder” under ReplicatedStorage which contains a ModuleScript called “GuiBuilderClientMain;” This module must be required by a LocalScript on a client for the events to be successfully connected.
The future of GuiBuilder
I will be supporting this plugin for an indefinite period of time, so if it isn’t immediately useful to you now, it may be in the near future
This is really cool. You might want to move it to #learning-resources:community-tutorials-resources so people not on the developer forum can use it too. I will check it out tomorrow.
However, like @XAXA’s brush plugin, there’s a major issue I have with it. Everytime you load up the same place file again, it creates another folder, regardless if one already exists.
Other than that issue, this is a fantastic plugin that I think should be integrated into Studio itself at some point.
I’m aware of this issue - I need to repro it because I’m not totally aware of all the conditions it occurs under (the main function probably just needs to yield somewhere)
edit: and now it should be fixed. Classic case of using findfirstchild instead of waitforchild