GuiButton.Deactivated event

Currently, GuiButton.Activated exists for listening to button input from any device, however there is no Deactivated complement. Apparently, the behaviour of mousebutton1click is deprecated, so this could also be applied to MouseButton1Down? (and don’t those only fire when mice click?)

Use cases?

Probably just api completion, and consistency, especially with other classes such as Tool. A more specific use case would be wanting to do a certain action while a gui button is pressed, and stopping said action when released.


Going to share my post here as well. Sorry for the confusion! Activated fires in the same way as MouseButton1Click, not MouseButton1Down.

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Yeah, I knew that, but shouldn’t there be a deactivated counterpart like there is mousebutton1up/mousebutton1down ? It would be nice to have an event or something that lets us listen for all input types

You might be able to use InputEnded events which should do exactly what you need it to do. It will fire anytime any input object stops interacting with the GuiButton, including Touch and Mouse1