GuiButtonTweenModule - Easily create button hover and click tweens with this module

Example to how to use the module:

-- Get the module
local GuiButtonTweenModule = require(Path_To_Module)

-- Get the button
local Button = Path_To_Button

-- Creating a variable to store the difference of size when tweened
local DifferenceOfSizeWhenTweened =,0,0.01,0)

-- This is how you create the button tweens
local ButtonTweens =, DifferenceOfSizeWhenTweened)

-- Wait for 5 seconds

-- This is how you destroy it

Some signals:

Clicked: Fires when the button is clicked

MouseButton1Up: Fires when the left mouse button is realeased

MouseButton1Down: Fires when the left mouse button is pressed

Destroyed: Fires when the button tweens are destroyed

You can get the module here:
GuiButtonTweenModule [NEW VERSION] - Creator Store

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Tell me if theres any bugs :burrito: :burrito: :burrito: :burrito: :burrito: :burrito: :burrito: :burrito: :burrito: :burrito: :burrito: :burrito: :burrito:

This button hovering and clicking tween system just works like the system used in pets go (I was inspired by pets go)

I recoded the module :eyes: :eyes: :eyes: :eyes: :eyes: :eyes: :eyes:

I am now using the janitor module in this module

Can anyone tell me why the module is bad?