Guide for sponsoring a game

I have been working on a game with a partner for awhile, and I am thinking of sponsoring it to get some players. I have 5000 spare robux, and I want to know if that would be enough to get 50+ concurrent players, and make back at least 4000 robux.

I have advertised the game once before (I dont know if it was 1000 or 2500 I spent, and this was before ads were removed), and it went… mostly poorly. (got like 500 visits, no concurrent players) Note this was on an older version of the game, in a different experience (not in a group.)

Key things I am worried about:
1: The game is a pvp game, meaning it needs multiple players (atleast 2) for it to even be playable, so if a player joins, and is confused or bored, leaves, then I wont gain anything.
2: I don’t want to lose too much robux, so I would prefer to get like 2000 back atleast.

Game link: gear rewritting - Roblox
Also, any feedback to how I could improve the general game would be appreciated, though I am unsure if that is off-topic.