Guide To Making a Good Roblox Game

Hello, Im StarJ3M! In this Article, I will be explaining to you how to make a good Roblox Game, The Steps, and How to become successful in Roblox!


This is entirely from a player perspective, but it comes to show you how some player may feel about your game.

How can I make a Roblox Game?

To make a Roblox Game, you need to Have Roblox Studio, This is so you can insert special things into your game!

You also will need to Have a Computer to Download Roblox Studio. Click the create game button on the Roblox Create Tab or Inside Roblox Studio to Get Started!

Note, you need to have a Macbook or Windows Computer!

What knowledge Do I need To Make a Game?

You Will Need to Know at most 1 of these components to make a good game,

Scripting, Building, GUI/UI, and More

To make a game, you should know 1 or 2 of these components and have a little bit of Knowledge in it. This is because you can’t just make a game without knowing a little bit of these! Scripting is for Functionality, Building Is For Design, GUI, (Graphical User Interface) For a User Interface. Those 3 Things Especially scripting will lead you off to your journey to make a game. ( Maybe Animating To )

How should I make a game that people will love, enjoy, and come back to?

Well, their are multiple easy steps to this that you can follow to make a community of players for your game!

Step 1 - Making a Game Fun

To make your game fun, you need to have activities the player can do when their bored, the game also needs to have functionality so it can run.

You also need to crack down on Errors and Bugs, these make your game unfunctional and could repel your players and make them not want to return to your game!

Your game should also not be a ripoff of another game, if you want it to be inspired by a game you should credit them and still make the game original by changing it in many different ways.

Step 2 - Make it original, Fill it with love

Your game should have originality, It should not be full with free models and also should have a lot of love put into it. Don’t just publish it and then never update it again!


Listening to player feedback could also help you make your game better and make players return to it or tell their friends, you also should run advertisements if you want to quick-start your game!

Try Finding a Team

If you acquire people to help/assist you to make your game, this can help a lot! At the same time though, you will need to pay your developers ( unless you guys agree to make it for fun and work for free ).

You can become a Solo Developer, Here are all of the Pros and Cons of being a Solo Developer and having a team,

Solo Developer Pros

  • You don’t need to pay People Monthly, Weekly, or anything.

  • You have your own rules and go with your decisions all of the time

Solo Developer Cons

  • Workflow will be slowed down

  • You will need to know multiple components of Developing

Group Of Developers Pros

  • Workflow is Faster

  • Multiple People Can Work on Something at a Time

  • Team Is Diverse, has multiple people doing multiple Jobs

Group Of Developers Cons

  • Your team may not always agree on your decisions for the game

  • Timezones may be different and will make it harder to communicate

  • Team Members want to be payed for their hard work on a weekly and or monthly basis ( Depending on who your working with TL;DR, Team members want and should be payed! )

  • Team Members will not always have the time to work on the game.

Step 3 - Your Game needs to be updated on a Monthly or weekly basis

If your game is updated basically like, every year and a half thats not going to work for 99.99% of Roblox games.

You will need to constantly update your game if you want players to still stick to the game, If you have a Job to go to, Still in School, or something else is happening in your personal life, take a break!

Please do not Exhaust yourself trying to pump out updates everyday. This is not good for you and everyone has their limits!

Also, Here is an example of what type of games you need to make so people would want to come back.

Tycoons and Simulators aren’t bad but, its a little bit of a bad practice to keep making. You should not make the Same exact tycoon or simulator because it makes the game unoriginal and will repel players away from your game.

Also, Make a Simulator that actually Simulates Something Like Driving maybe

Step 4 - How games stand out more than others

If you want to make your game stand out from others, there are things you can do to make this cause.

You should find out first of all, why a certain game thats exactly like yours not being as successful then yours. Compare differences and the way things are set up in your game and the other.

Ask yourself questions like, Is my game functional? Is it playable on most/all devices? Is the Marketplace good? Is it fair? Is it original? These ads can help you make your game Stand out more than others.

You should also ask players to rate your games or give Developer Feedback to make the game fair or better. This can help you make more people play your game and even appeal more to different types of people which can further cause player gain.

You should also try playing the game and playtesting your game to learn the players experiences to also improve your game.

Step 5 - How to make your game fair so PTW Players and FTP Players will both have fun

We all know what games passes are, as a Developer and Roblox Player, I noticed many things during my time playing Roblox. Mainly on of them being, Game passes/Dev Products that was being sold, I noticed some of them were unfair and did not make me want to play/come back to the game anymore.

To make your game passes or Developer Product a reasonable and fair price you need to answer these 3 questions,

Will this item be fair for both Free To Play Players and Pay To Win Players?

  • This item cannot be to overpowered
  • This item must not give a advantage to PTW Players over FTP players. ( e.x. Super Sword, does 50% More dmg compared to the regular sword that most people have, Admin, etc… )
  • This item should not be ruining any players experiences.

Does my Item have a reasonable price?

  • Item must not be overpriced ( e.x. VIP for 1000 Robux ( Should Be around 450-640), Rainbow Carpet for 700 Robux ( Should be mostly around 250-420 ). )
  • Item should not cost a Insane price that is out of most players ranges

Is my Item Functional In The Game and Market?

  • You should not put items like magic carpets in an obby, especially ones with a pathfinding NPC’s that could kill players.

  • You should not make a obby and add a skip stage button, as It will cause players to leave due to the game becoming pay to win. p.s, you can put this in your game but it is a bad practice.

  • You should not make loot boxes / Roulettes that have game passes that guarantee a specified / specific item.

If you follow those practices, more people will continue to play your game and even buy your products if they are balanced, not overpriced, and do not affect other players gameplay to give them a bad experience / unfair advantage.

Step 6 - How to come up with an Original Game Idea

If you wanna come up with an Original Idea, you should start brainstorming.

Think of a type of Game Genre first, that should be your first thought to think of a game genre. That will make things 100% easier and should be the first step.

Next, with your genre, think of something that you can put into it. For an example,

  • Hmmm… Since that I have a medieval game, I think I should make a 15v15 mode cald Classic mode Were the king will upgrade the castle defenses and manage their country while his knights in shinning armor shall defend the other kingdom! Maybe I can also add more gamemodes like a 1v1v1v1 or a Infection mode!

  • I want to make a music game so, I want to put musical powerups and gear that can increase your score! I want to make it so their is a quest system were you could obtain materials to craft the gear so that players could get on leaderboards! Since I don’t want to make it pay to win, I will not implement the ability to buy gear so the game is balanced!

  • Making a Tiered Obby is a little bit difficult… I will go find inspiration from other tiered Obby’s to find out what types of tricky obstacles I can put in my game!

  • Ok, I found my genre RPG, I think I should start off by adding NPC’s and quest, and make a storyline! maybe I can also get elements from other RPG games or adventure games with a storyline like Super Mario 64! This can help me build up my storyline but, I need to make original content and make sure the game is not over the top for the player!

These are all great examples of ways you can Use a Genre to figure out your new game idea, The next step will relate to this one to!

Step 7 - Finding your Game Name

The Best way to figure out a name for your game is to follow these rules,

  • What is my game About? If I know this then I can come up with a good name that relates to the actual game.

  • What is happening in my game? What is the Content inside of it?

Those can help you learn about your game name. For an example, If I wanted to make a Fighting War Game then I would probably name it something like Clash Of Countries, or Domination of Worlds, But I would want to make it so the players could Dominate multiple worlds due to the fact if that wasn’t the case, it would be unrelative to the game title and could repel the player.

Step 8 - Making a community

If you want to build a community up for your game, here is some things that can help players receive news, upcoming updates, and more about your game!

  1. Make a social media of some sort and make a server - This is where your community can chat and interact.

  2. Make a Dev vlog - Making a dev vlog before your game is even realized can help your game grow before its release, people may already be interested in the game if you make a Beta Trailer/ Trailer, Dev vlog explaining what you made, and showing off content from your game.

Step 9 - Don’t add any backdoors

This is another reason why people may leave your game is if your game is infected, that is another reason why you should not put a lot of free models in your game.

How you know if you have a backdoor in your game is if character models oe part names say infected, or scripts

What are backdoors?

As it says from google, " a feature or defect of a computer system that allows surreptitious unauthorized access to data." Backdoors is a way of an exploiter or hackers process of destroying your game, stealing assets, and making players lose data.

Step 10 - Music Makes you Lose Control

You should add music in your game that is original, and it relates to your game, it’s not recommended to use copyrighted audio. You can use royal free music if you’d like to.

Music is a pull factor for all players, just think about it! without music, like would be blank, bland, and boring… and… and… just man!

Anyway, just imagine. What if your favorite game like maybe Deltarune or Paper Mario and The Oragami King had no music. It would make the game no longer good.

I mean, music litterly build up music games like Osu and robeats… so its mandatory for a music game.

You should also make you own custom walking, jumping, running, and climbing sounds that replace the Default ROBLOX sounds, especially if you’re making an adventure, RPG, or cartoony type game then it defiantly should have its own music and sounds.

The End

This is the conclusion to making a good game, you should have Knowledge of Several Developer Jobs (If you want to or if You’re a Solo Developer), Give your game love, make it original, and update it frequently!

This will put you on the Road to making Great Games and maybe you can even make a Big game with this Information!

Other Tutorials;

Roblox How To | Creating a Simple Shift to Sprint Script! - Resources / Community Tutorials - DevForum | Roblox ( 1 )

How to Scale your UI For all Devices - Resources / Community Tutorials - DevForum | Roblox ( 2 )

How to make a basic custom animation system for custom rigs - Resources / Community Tutorials - DevForum | Roblox

And also, no hate to games like Robeats or Ripple Minigames that I have referred to.

Referenced Links

Note: I may not update this much unless their are recommendations to put on here, I dont have much more to explain.


I believe you can also use Wine on Linux to run Roblox Studio.

Do you mean “knowledge” by “Nolage”?


I don’t think its that reliable though, I might list this soon idk.

I will make sure to do more research in it, thanks!


This looks very epic just this seems like basic information? Not trying to be mean but it just seems like it repeats the same basic arguments

be original don’t be like everyone else your game needs replayability don’t overwork yourself dont make it for the robux be passionate about it also make it fun somehow lol

Also it kinda gives the impression that originality is easy to come across when it actually takes a lot of time and effort and you dont just get an idea out of the blue maybe try elaborating on that?


You missed an important one. Don’t stuff your game with annoying free models.


he already said that you shouldn’t fill up ur game with free models


oh sorry i didnt see that he said that lol


Hello, Thank you for your response!,

I do agree but also, I can argue that I never stated that it would be easy but, I will make sure to list it on their so new developers can understand that if they don’t ( somehow ), I do kinda understand your arguments and will make sure to change it up a bit!

I do agree that this is a little bit basic information that has been repeated many times but also, it should be repeated as people who Truley want to make a big and good game still don’t follow this rule to make a game and ignore that point.

I will make a few changes to make it clear and put new parts explaining better and less pointed out information


Just updated this post.


p.s. Sorry for not updating it sooner.


nice how u made the image with kleki.
but uh um, ever heard of ninja legends? it used to get 50k+ players and i think max players was liek 250k at a time


great job! I will definitely show this to my friends who want to become devs! Maybe you should also note that coming up with an unoriginal game (ex. fnf) Will at first get lots of players. But when said original game dies, your’s will to. So if you make a game that’s based off another, add elements of originality.


Yes I have heard of it and thats the reason I put it their, thats only supposed to represent the unsuccessful nockoffs though.

Also, game’s like Ninja Legends is a repetitive Simulator Franchise, and Im trying to get the point out of people not following these types of practices.

Ninja Legends is also a bit pay to win, so even though it is popular, it isn’t a very fairly monetized game.


Does anyone know anything else I should have? On the update time, Im planning on adding a few more things but I want to know other things that I should list to.


NOTE: The Update time has been changed to December 12, Sunday.



Very cool! I like the new chapters B)

getting the slightest hint that your talking about robeats :thinking:

Anyways good job


Okay , I got everything except for the “making a good name” part, my game name is called planebeam and it’s pretty lame, how can I think deeper of names since I’m bad of thinking of names


Well ask yourself, what’s your game about? What does the player do? What would spice up my game title that fits my game theme, music (if you have some), and Enviromint?


Would it be fine with a cooldown?


Yes, but also no.

This is due to the fact that F2P players will be displeased (especially with super hard obbys) whenever a Spender or Whale buys it.


I saw an obby once that gives free stage skips every few minutes, making them not have to pay for them.