Guidelines on asking for help and collaboration in this forum exists to support our community of top ROBLOX developers and creative minds. Sometimes even top developers need help, or want to form a team to work on something. We want to encourage discussion of all topics related to the development of games on ROBLOX, including asking other developer community members for help with code, algorithms, or modeling questions. Members can ask for help with any developer or creative ROBLOX related project.

Help posts:
[li]Use the question mark icon on your question posts, so others may easily find or avoid them.[/li]
[li]In your question post, be as specific and detailed as possible. Include images or code samples.[/li]
[li]It is not OK to ask people to do the work for you. They can help you along while you do your own work.[/li]
[li]Do not reply to help posts if you don’t have anything helpful to say. No judgy or solely critical posts.[/li]

Collaboration posts:
[li]Use the left-right arrows icon to help others find or avoid your post. [/li]
[li]Don’t use the forum as your main point of communication with the team (too spammy) - only use it to find a team and then you should go off and work on skype or other chat system.[/li]

For both:
[li]Only bump your help post twice, at most. Only bump if it’s fallen to the second page of this forum. If no one replied it means no one can help or join you at this time.[/li]

Those are the basics. Members should feel safe to ask for help and people for collaboration. This forum will not become spammy and vitriolic like the general ROBLOX Help forms because this is a different community. Feel free to reply here with other ideas or feedback on this topic.


Collaboration among the RBXDev community could be very beneficial. I love how encouraging and helpful the staff members have been at making all of this possible

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Yeah. That’s kinda why she posted this :stuck_out_tongue:

I sure hope we get higher quality posts that the main site’s helper forums :stuck_out_tongue: :imagine:

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[1] Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

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The traffic on this forum is pretty low. General rule of forums is don’t make a sub forum until it’s really needed. If questions become the majority then we would break it out to its own forum.

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Comparing the people on this forum to the main forums is like comparing a happy black christian singing church to a grouchy teen with anger management problems. Glad I’m here :]

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I have no idea what to make of your analogy.

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What I’m saying is, these forums are really friendly and the other official ones on the main site are filled with disrespectful people that love to feel top of the pecking order

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Yet most of them use script.Parent.Parent.Parent. … while trying to get the Local Player from a Local script.
God. I have seen people posting help videos containing stuff like that.

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Thanks for clearing things up, [i]ReeseMcBlox.[/i]

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Added another bullet item to the guidelines regarding asking for help.

[li]It is not OK to ask people to do the work for you. They can help you along while you do your own work.[/li]

To clarify, it is very OK to ask people to do specific work as part of a team, since the work is usually split up among the team members. What we want to avoid are posts asking members here to complete someone else’s work,because the poster doesn’t know how to do it themselves and is unwilling to learn how.

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Could you please post something similar to this in Scripting Helpers on the ROBLOX site?

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